Style - Breathwork / Duration - 18.03
Being human guarantees that we're going to spend our entire lives with thoughts flowing in and out of our minds. This is absolutely normal, however if left completely untrained and unaddressed the mind can become overrun with too many thoughts. Getting caught up and distracted easily with every thought that enters the mind can begin to negatively effect our lives by creating more stress and anxiety within. Thankfully there are ways to address the monkey mind and clear it of any overflow of thoughts and worries. This class aims to calm the body and relax the nervous system so that we can allow the mind to become clear and centred. It's recommended that you stay in a comfortable seated position for the entire practice.
Try to keep your eyes closed for the entire practice to minimise your distractions, however if you ever feel lost or need a visual demonstration of the techniques being performed you can briefly open your eyes to better understand what is being taught. Naturally, the more you practise, the easier it will be for you to understand.