Luis Program 1 - September 2024
WORKOUT 1 - Planche
Passive Hang - 2 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 set of 20 reps. 1 set lateral raises, 1 set front raises. 3kg Dumbbell each hand
Wrist Warm-Up - 3-5 minutes, get them warmed up!
Tuck Planche - 6 sets of 5 second holds. 90sec rest between sets. Work towards advanced tuck.
Banded Straddle Planche - 6 sets of 5 second holds. 90sec rest between sets
Support Hold - 4 sets of 15 sec. 1 min rest between sets. Attempt Support Hold L-sit if this is too easy.
Planche Push-ups - Use Parallettes. Heavy forward lean, elbows in, feet raised 30cm. 5 sets of 8 reps
Dips - 4 sets of 8 reps. Small pause at the top after every rep
Bench Press - 3 sets of 6 reps. Heavy as possible but no back arch (keep lower back on the bench)
Straight-arm front shoulder raise - Use a weight plate. 3 sets of 6 reps. Elbows locked, wrists and creases of elbows pointing up.
Banded Shoulder dislocates - 10 slow reps. Pause at max stretch for 50 pulses
Banded Pancake - 15 reps with 1 min hold on last rep
Wheel Pose - 2 sets of 30 sec
WORKOUT 2 - Front Lever
Passive Hang - 2 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 set of 20 reps. 1 set lateral raises, 1 set front raises. 3kg Dumbbell each hand
Face Huggers - 1 sets of 15 reps - small pause with each rep. Really focus on the squeeze at back of shoulders
Pull-Ups - 1 set of 8 reps
Front Lever - 6 sets of 6 second holds, 90 sec rest between sets - Work on bringing knees slightly away from chest towards advanced tuck
Front Lever - Band Assisted single leg (use lightest band possible) - 6 sets of 8 sec holds. 90 sec rest between sets
Front Lever Pulls - Band assisted (use lightest band possible) - 5 sets of 5 reps
Rows - 3 sets of 12 reps. Feet slightly raised if possible and body horizontal
Pull-Ups - Stop 2-3 reps shy of failure. Superset with Bicep Curls - 8 reps with appropriate dumbbells - 2 sets
Banded Shoulder dislocates - 10 slow reps. Pause at max stretch for 50 pulses
Banded Pancake - 15 reps with 1 min hold on last rep
WORKOUT 3 - Muscle Up / Legs
Passive Hang - 2 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Yogi Squat - 5 minute hold. Hold light weights to assist if needed and break it up into smaller sets if 5mins is too long.
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 set of 20 reps. 1 set lateral raises, 1 set front raises. 3kg Dumbbell each hand
Pull-Ups - 5 sets of 5 reps. Add as much weight as possible to your waist.
Dips - On straight bar. 5 sets of 12 reps. Full lock out at the top and forward lean. Try not to touch the bar with your legs at the top
Pistol Squats - 4 sets of 8 reps each side. Use band to assist if needed
Today is ideal for doing your run-specific training! Big run and/or your glute exercises if you want to.
Straddle Jefferson Curls - 10 slow reps with 1 min hold on last rep. Hold Dumbells and stand on a box
Couch Stretch - 2 minutes each side. Move in and out 1-2 sets
WORKOUT 4 - Planche Push-ups
Passive Hang - 2 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 set of 20 reps. 1 set lateral raises, 1 set front raises. 3kg Dumbbell each hand
Wrist Warm-Up - 3-5 minutes, get them warmed up!
Handstand practice - 10-20 minutes attempting to balance in handstand. Take little breaks and try to focus
Chest-to-wall Handstand - walk hands as close to wall as possible, open shoulders - 4 sets of 30 sec - Float feet away from wall if you’re able to balance freestanding
Planche Push-ups - Use Parallettes. Heavy forward lean, elbows in, feet raised 30cm. 5 sets of 10 reps
Straddle Planche Push-ups - Use lightest band possible, 5 sets of 5 reps.
Overhead Press - 4 sets of 8 reps (Barbell or Dumbbell) - close to failure by last rep. Narrow grip and elbows in!
Planche Lean- Use Parallettes. 5 sets of 15sec. Arms straight. Big rest between sets.
Support Hold - 4 sets of 15 sec. 1 min rest between sets
Low Boat - 4 sets of 45 second hold. hold 4kg dumbbell in each hand. Rest 90 seconds between sets
Dips - 4 sets of 8 reps. Small pause at the top after every rep
Banded Pancake - 15 reps with 1 min hold on last rep
Straddle Jefferson Curls - 10 slow reps with 1 min hold on last rep. Hold dumbells and stand each foot on seperate boxes
Wheel Pose / Banded Assisted Bow - 2 sets of 30 sec
WORKOUT 5 - Pull & Core
Passive Hang - 2 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 set of 20 reps. 1 set lateral raises, 1 set front raises. 3kg Dumbbell each hand
Face Huggers - 1 set of 15 reps - small pause with each rep. Really focus on the squeeze at back of shoulders
Pull-Ups - 1 set until a few reps shy of failure
Front Lever Pulls - Band assisted (use lightest band possible) - 5 sets of 5 reps
One Arm Pull Up Isometric Hold - Hold 90 degree position in elbow, and assist yourself with a band in the other hand. 6sec hold, 60sec rest, alternate arms. 4 sets each arm
Wide Pull-ups - Chest to bar, elbows flare wide, explosive pull and try to keep your upper back arched- 4 sets of 10 reps.
Core Buster - take your pick of one class to practise! CLASS 1 / CLASS 2 / CLASS 3 / CLASS 4 (alternate each week)
10-15 min General stretch / light mobility - be intuitive and stretch how you need to. Keep it gentle, focus on deep and slow breathing
WORKOUT 6 - Handstand / Legs
Yogi Squat - 3 minute hold. Hold light weights to assist if needed and break it up into smaller sets if 3mins is too long.
Wrist Warm-Up - 3-5 minutes, get them warmed up!
Handstand practice - 20 minutes attempting to balance in handstand. Take little breaks and focus
Back-to-wall Handstand - walk hands as close to wall as possible, open shoulders - 4 sets of 30 sec - Float feet away from wall if you’re able to balance freestanding
L-Sit - 15sec hold - 4 sets. Push for V-sit if possible
Hip Flexor Lifts - Both legs at same time, 10 slow reps, hold for 10sec on last rep - 3 sets
Side Lunges - 4 sets of 10 reps (5 each side), hold something heavy in your arms
Big run and/or your glute exercises if you want to.
Additional Work
Have a browse through the Immersive Breathwork Journeys - Try to practise at least 1 table (o2 or co2) a week
Handstands - Fit as much handstand practise in as you can! 5 minutes every day is better than doing 30minutes once a week. Consistency is key.
Fiery Goddess - Challenging class to build leg strength and endurance
Hip Opening Hatha - Deep hip stretches
Smooth Operator - Focusses on smooth, flowing movements
Slow and Gentle Release - Restorative class for the lower back and hips, super chill
Slow Down and Relax - another Yin practise but only 15mins if you’re pressed for time