Sean Keenan Program 1 - October 2023
WORKOUT 1 - Push (planche)
Passive Hang - 3 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 sets of 30 reps, 1 set front raise, 1 set lateral raise
Wrist Warm-Up - 3-5 minutes, get them warmed up!
Tuck Planche - 6 sets of 5 second holds. 1 min rest between sets
Planche Push-ups - Heavy forward lean, elbows in, feet raised 30cm. 5 sets of 6 reps
Dips - 4 sets of 8 reps. Small pause at the top after every rep
Support Hold - 4 sets of 15 sec. 1 min rest between sets
Front Shoulder Raise - arms straight, elbows locked - 12 reps. Super set with Push-Ups - Hands placed wider, no forward lean, close to max reps - 4 sets
Banded Shoulder dislocates - 10 slow reps. Pause at max stretch for 50 pulses
Banded Pancake - 15 reps with 1 min hold on last rep
Open Wing - 1 min hold each side
Melting Heart Pose - 1 min
Wheel Pose - 2 sets of 30 sec
WORKOUT 2 - Legs (Plyo)
Yogi Squat - Accumulate 5 minutes in a Yogi squat in as few sets as possible. Hold light weights to assist.
Single Leg Bridges - Heel elevated on chair/box - 3 sets of 12 reps each leg
Skipping / Jumping on the spot - 5 mins
Squat Box Jumps - Pause at bottom of squat, jump as high as possible, stand up quick on top of box. 5 sets of 10 reps
Barbell Back Squats - 4 sets of 6 reps. Make it challenging but keep a controlled tempo
Hex Bar Deadlifts - 4 sets of 10 reps. Explode up, control down with a quick reset between reps. Stay 2 reps shy of failure (choose appropriate weight)
Kneeling Lean-Backs - 4 sets of 8 reps, band assisted. Superset with Banded Reverse Squats - 4 sets of 15 reps. Should be challenging for last few reps in each set
Hamstring Curls - Banded or on machine. 3 sets of 12 reps, nearing failure at the end of each set
Jefferson Curls - 10 slow reps with 1 min hold on last rep. Hold Dumbells and stand on a box
Jefferson Curls with toes raised - keep heels on floor, raise balls of feet on something - 10 slow reps with 1 min hold on last rep
5 Minute stretch - stretch hips, quads, hamstrings and spinal twists
WORKOUT 3 - Pull
Passive Hang - 3 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 sets of 30 reps, 1 set front raise, 1 set lateral raise
Face Huggers - 2 sets of 15 reps - small pause with each rep. Really focus on the squeeze at back of shoulders
Pull-Ups - 1 set until a few reps shy of failure
Front Lever - 6 sets of 8 second holds - Work on bringing knees slightly away from chest towards advanced tuck. 90 sec rest between sets
Front Lever - Band Assisted single leg (use lightest band possible) - 6 sets of 8 sec holds. 90 sec rest between sets
Front Lever Pulls - Band assisted single leg (use lightest band possible) - 4 sets of 6 reps (swap the legs each set)
Rows - 3 sets of 10 reps. Feet slightly raised
Pull-Ups - Superset with Bicep Curls - one arm at a time - 2 sets. Stop 2-3 reps shy of failure with each exercise - Make it challenging!
Banded Shoulder dislocates - 10 slow reps. Pause at max stretch for 50 pulses
Banded Pancake - 15 reps with 1 min hold on last rep
Broken Wing - 1 min hold each arm
Plough Pose - 1 min hold
WORKOUT 4 - PUSH (hspu)
Passive Hang - 3 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 sets of 30 reps, 1 set front raise, 1 set lateral raise
Wrist Warm-Up - 3-5 minutes, get them warmed up!
Handstand practice - 20 minutes attempting to balance in handstand. Hold as long as possible without severe back-bend. Take little breaks and try to focus
Chest-to-wall Handstand - walk hands as close to wall as possible, open shoulders - 6 sets of 30 sec - Float feet away from wall if you’re able to balance freestanding
Pike Push-ups - Feet elevated slightly, tap nose as far forwards as possible, light on feet, elbows in - 5 sets of 5 reps
Overhead Press - 4 sets of 8 reps (each arm individually) - close to failure by last rep, a lot of focus on NO back-bend!
Dips - 4 sets of 8 reps. Small pause at the top after every rep
Support Hold - 4 sets of 15 sec. 1 min rest between sets
Push-ups - Hands wide, elbows out, full chest pump - 5 reps shy of failure. Super-set with Planche Lean - 20 sec hold, nearly reaching failure by the end - 3 sets
Jefferson Curls - 10 slow reps with 1 min hold on last rep. Hold dumbells and stand on a box
Straddle Jefferson Curls - 10 slow reps with 1 min hold on last rep. Hold dumbells and stand each foot on seperate boxes
Open Wing - 1 min hold each side
Melting Heart Pose - 1 min
Wheel Pose / Banded Assisted Bow - 2 sets of 30 sec
WORKOUT 5 - Pull & Core
Passive Hang - 3 sets of 1 minute. Add some Scapula Pull-ups for the last 20 secs of each round
Shoulder Warm Up - 2 sets of 30 reps, 1 set front raise, 1 set lateral raise
Face Huggers - 2 sets of 15 reps - small pause with each rep. Really focus on the squeeze at back of shoulders
Pull-Ups - 1 set until a few reps shy of failure
Front Lever Rows - feet raised 30cm, try to pull rings to your hips (or as low down as possible), elbows in, explosive pull and control down - 5 sets of 6 reps
Wide Pull-ups - Use bar instead of rings if available - chest to bar, elbows flare wide, explosive pull (don’t let your upper back round) - 5 sets of 6 reps. Add weight if 6 reps is too easy
Core Buster - take your pick of one class to practise! CLASS 1 / CLASS 2 / CLASS 3 / CLASS 4 (alternate each week)
10-15 min General stretch / light mobility - be intuitive and stretch how you need to. Keep it gentle, focus on deep and slow breathing
Additional Work
Shoulder Therapy - a relaxing Yin class to relieve neck and shoulder tension
Neck Release - Another class to stretch and relax neck
Morning Breathwork - An energising breathwork practise to get pumped up